What Is IridologyIridology is the study of the iris of the eye.

Iri and iris come from the Greek name of the goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The Greeks noted eyes come in many, many colors. And ology also comes from the Greek, meaning study of. Literally translated, iridology means the study of the coloration of the eye.

The iris reveals changing conditions of every part and organ of the body. Every organ and part of the body is represented in the iris in a well defined area. In addition, through various marks, signs, and discoloration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses and strengths.

By means of this art / science, an iridologist (one who studies the coloration and fiber structure of the eye) can tell an individual his/her inherited and acquired tendencies towards health and disease, his current condition in general, and the state of every organ in particular.

Iridology cannot detect a specific disease, but, can tell an individual if they have over or under activity in specific areas of the body. For example, an under-active pancreas might indicate a diabetic condition.

View our glossary of iridology terms.