This course is approved by the International Iridology Practitioner’s Association. The Level I course is the first of three steps toward certification with IIPA. More advanced European Iridology concepts will be covered in this course.

A Seminar workbook and a IIPA Level I Certificate will be given out in this seminar. You will need a Level I Certificate to be elegible to attend a IIPA Level II seminar.

IIPA Comprehensive IridologySM – Level 1 (14 Hours)


It is required for IIPA Approved Instructors to cover all of the topics in the syllabus for comprehensive Iridology Level-1. The syllabus is in outline format to assist new instructors. However, the instructor is encouraged to use their discretion when to teach each topic


  1. Introduction to Iridology
    • What is Iridology.
    • What Iridology can and cannot do.
    • Differences between old and new teachings and American and European models.

  2. History of Iridology
    • Possible Iridology in cultures over 1.000 years ago.
    • European Iridology.
    • American Iridology.
    • IIPA history.
    • Other types of eye sciences briefly mention and define: (i.e.Sclerology, Rayid, Time Risk).

  3. Basic Anatomy of the Eye
    • Describe Eye (Choroid, retina, sclera, cornea, conjunctiva, lens, vitreous chamber & humor).
    • Anatomy and Physiology of Iris:
      1. Eye connection to brain
      2. Iris Size
      3. Pupillary ruff, pupillary zone, sphincter muscle, collarette, humoral zone, ciliary zone, dilator muscle, trabeculae, iris edge
    • Anatomy of the Iris (On Test) anterior endothelium, anterior border layer, stroma, posterior membrane and posterior epithelium. (Slides).

  4. Zones And Mapping
    • Frontal, temporal, medial and inferior.
    • Reaction fields, sector and segment.
    • Zones 1 through 7 describe.
    • Using clock or degrees on iris map.
    • Iris map example.

  5. Iris Terminology and Basic Iris Signs

    Definitions and function (collarette, lacunae open and closed, pigment, radical furrows, contraction furrows, lymphatic rosary, venous congestion, scurf rim, crypts, rarefaction, raised fibers radicals, reflexives, transversals, defect signs, pinguecula, ptyerigium, tophi and flocculations of tophi, lipemic diathesis. (Slides).

  6. Constitutional Types By Color
    • Lymphatic.
    • Biliary.
    • Hematogenic.

  7. Constitutional Subtypes By Color
    Under Lymphatic: Overacid, Febrile, Uric Acid Diathesis, Hydrogenoid, Scurf Rim, Under Biliary: Hydrogenoid, Ferrum Chromatose.

Day 2

  1. Resiliency or Constitutional Types
    • Health Equation
    • Density = Resistance or resiliency.
    • Shading = Reactivity or vital force.
    • Iris structure types neurogenic, polyglandular, connective tissue, anxiety tetanic.

  2. Pigments
    • Yellow, orange, brown, fluorescent orange and black.
    • Topo-labile, Topo-stabile.
    • Central and sectoral heterochromia

  3. Class Practice

    Pair off students and look at the eyes for constitutional types by structure and pigments.

  4. Pupil Tonus
    • Miosis, mydriasis, anisocorea, hippus.
    • Flattenings.
    • Ellipses.

  5. Collarette and Digestive Signs
    • Wreath placements (balanced, tight and atonic).
    • Wreath quality (thick, thin and absent).
    • Wreath shape (jagged, double and intermittent).
    • Grey inner iris border, stomach ring (sphincter muscle), comb teeth, absorption ring, pupil border (thin, thick or absent).
    • Resiliency of stomach and intestinal zones.
    • Large pupil and small wreath, large pupil and atonic wreath, small pupil and small wreath, and small pupil with atonic wreath.

  6. Class Practice

    Pair off students and look at eyes for collarette types.